



关于主任牧师: A RIZE church planter is a person who is called and equipped to start and lead a new church that is culturally relevant and missional. They are passionate about reaching people who are far from God and building a community of believers who are committed to making a difference in the world. Here is a profile of a RIZE church planter: Has a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ. RIZE church planters are first and foremost disciples of Jesus Christ. 他们来了。

你能带来什么: The following describes many of the characteristics of the ideal candidate for the 高级牧师: 教育 & 经验 An acute understanding of the biblical principle of Multiplication. Proven experience is building and growing a ministry. Demonstrable record of successfully driving the Great Commision. Recruiting and Developing staff and volunteer teams 经验 in a successful start up is a plus 知识、技能和能力 能够接触和发展千禧一代 Able to reach young families and established families 精通社交媒体和市场营销 优秀的招聘人员/采集者 杰出的沟通能力 对神的话语有深刻的理解 文化专业胜博发体育app Able to build and develop teams/Leadership Pipelines 西海岸精明 能够筹集资金,财政精明 理解工作和生活的平衡 个人特征 & 资格 有远见的 有自我意识 关系 Has the heart to grow a multi-cultural, diverse church 问题解决者 与FMC神学和政策一致 战略思想家 高情商 Models health (spiritual, marital, relational) Strong sense of calling as a church planter 坚持不懈 拥有信心的恩赐 可教的

View Job Description on Church / Organization Website: http://www.vanderbloemen.com/job/rize-church-planting-network-senior-pastor

类别: 部门机会网

类型: 全职



认识RIZE教会植堂网络: 愿景 瑞泽的存在是为了种植, 重新种植, recalibrate and adopt diverse churches in strategic cities in the US and beyond! “ The RIZE Network are West Coast churches that are a contemporary community of Christ-following adults, teens and children aided by the Holy Spirit to experience, 展示和分享真相, principles and promises that Jesus Christ taught and modeled.” 庆祝多样性的价值 When you visit a RIZE Church you will find people from every generation, 比赛, socio-economic status and Christian tradition. You will also find many who have never had a prior church experience of any kind. 我们决心说“欢迎”!” to any and all who Jesus welcomes and receives. Our music is one example of our diversity. Although RIZE 教堂 are committed to a wide range of contemporary and progressive musical expressions, we also recognize the great value of tapping into our rich two thousand years of worship tradition. More important to us than the style of our music is the spirit of our worship …. 从心里,在灵里,在真理里. 无论你是年轻还是年老, 富人、穷人或居间者, married or single or divorced or widowed, Republican or Democrat or something else politically, from any racial or ethnic group – Jesus welcomes you and so do we! 渴望建立真诚的关系 In an often impersonal contemporary culture, 我们寻求成为彼此的家人, 彼此相爱,如同基督爱我们一样. We are not an exclusive or reclusive group of people. 任何人都欢迎来到RIZE教堂. We willingly lay aside secondary matters and stubborn insistence in doctrinal disputes which often polarize Christian communities. 而不是, we choose to concentrate on the basic core beliefs which all true Christians share in common. STRIVE TO BE RELEVANT WITHOUT BECOMING RELATIVE We believe that the principles for life that Jesus taught, though considered ancient by most standards, 经受住了时间的考验吗. His teachings are completely relevant to the challenges of living in the 21st century. They are the essential key to building healthy families, friendships, careers and perspective. Our commitment to live out these principles, 虽然有时很困难, 每天都得到他的圣灵的帮助吗, who not only empowers us to navigate through the ups and downs of life, but has proven to be the source of the unparalleled satisfaction, 实现, and joy which characterizes our community. 我们的活动具有使命感 “How we do life” is an essential component to the mission of the RIZE Network. RIZE is a Network created to export its community to homes, 社区, 工作场所, 学校, 运动场地, musical venues and communities throughout the world. 原因: To demonstrate the character of Jesus Christ; To share the principles and promises of Jesus Christ; and,to serve human needs just as Jesus Christ did. In essence we are His representatives to a world that needs the hope, 惟有他赐下的爱和目的. Pacific Coast Japanese Conference (PCJC) The Rize Church Planting Network is a part of the PCJC- Pacific Coast Japanese Conference. The PCJC is a multi-ethnic network of 21 churches and three preaching points, with an aggressive strategy and vision to plant churches through their newly founded RIZE教会植堂网络. The goal of launching RIZE is to plant “20 churches in 10 years” from San Diego to Seattle and beyond!

员工人数: v

地点: 红木城,加州,美国


联系人姓名: Vanderbloemen

联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

联系电话: 7133009665

联络通讯地址: 3737 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, TX, 77098